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Your story
Your life is your greatest treasure. Share it!
"Wrinkles should only show where smiles have been." ~ Mark Twain

Of course, it is a great thing to organise and record your memories and to keep them in a bound book, which can be passed on to many generations to come. But there are also many other additional positive benefits that come hand in hand with the process itself. Some are so important that they become the primary reason that people decide to record their life story in such a way; the book becoming a secondary focus.

Tell your own story

At some point your grandchildren, great-grandchildren and beyond will wonder “What was Grandpa and Grandma like?” Unfortunately, we will not be there to answer all the curious questions ourselves. So it will be left to others to provide the answers. Even if these are gracious ones, a story changes each time it is retold, it is also reinterpreted by the person telling the story. With your own life story you have the opportunity to communicate with your future family directly and in your own words.

Connect to your family and friends

Capturing your memories and experiences gives your family and friends the opportunity to understand you and your life. Even if your family is distributed all over the world, families renew connections and become closer again. 

See your life with fresh eyes

Many people who have recorded their life story have described the process as a kind of “intellectual cleansing”. It provides the opportunity to rethink and reevaluate experiences and to reflect on them in a new way. You are able to see the whole picture of your life rather than a just jumble of memories. A sense of peace often accompanies the process - and one can look forward to making many new memories in the years ahead. It is like clearing out a cupboard and making space for new things to fill it once again.
Excellent memory training!

We all know the benefits of training our memories in all different ways: crossword puzzles, SUDOKO etc. Such activities are indeed good for our memories but to work directly with your personal memory is even better. To retrieve, structure and organize your own memories are great exercises that are also fun. After all, your life story is definitely more interesting than all the crossword puzzles in the world.

Scientific studies have also shown that such cognitive activities promote overall vitality. New brain cells are formed and cells are linked to one another. Active memory not only enhances general memory functions, but also has a preventive effect against cognitive degradation and can even slow the course of dementia such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

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Fotos von: Kathrin Truhart/kathrin-truhart.de
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