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What Memories means to me...

"Writing my own life story was a very special experience. And when I held the finished book in my hands, I was admittedly very touched and had to squeeze some tears. I have created this book for my children and grandchildren, so that when I am no longer there, they have something of mine, my thoughts and experiences. I hope to keep our family history alive. "

Heinrich M. Sorbiech
"I gave my mother the book on the occasion of her 75th birthday. Because I knew she had been thinking about writing her own autobiography for a long time, I was quite sure she would be happy with my gift. It was nice to see how much my mother was looking forward to the individual sessions. She always prepared them very meticulously and then provided cookies and coffee for the really very nice woman who always came to visit. I do not know if it was the memories or the meetings that gave her so much joy and a real thrust. This naturally pleased me as a daughter, especially since I did not even have it in mind when I gave her the voucher. "

Silke Henning
"Reviewing my memories was both a pleasure and illustrious, I am indebted a great deal to the helpful accompaniment of the Memories team" 

Wolf Truhart
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